Erectile dysfunction is a common problem experienced by men all around the world due to numerous reasons such as anxiety, stress, depression etc. It is not a rare case and there are many medical drugs for the treatment of this temporary erectile dysfunction. One of these drugs is the
Sextreme Black Force 200mg.
Sextreme Black Force 200mg is one of the most powerful and effective drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The effects of this drug are immediate and no other drug is capable of providing such long and hard erection to help men satisfy their partners. The active ingredient in this drug is the
Sildenafil Citrate and it is a drug being manufactured by Shree Venkatesh.
Sextreme Black Force 200mg - Information and Dosage
The active ingredient of this drug,
sildenafil citrate, belongs to PDE-5 inhibitors. The enzyme that is responsible for cGMP breakdown is contained in this drug. Neurotransmitter cGMP is accumulated in the corpus cavernosa which in result enhances smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation due to Nitric oxide production. Until the suitable type of erection is reached, this drug increases its concentration with the passage of time.
Sextreme Black Force 200mg is for oral administration. It is usually available in the form of 200mg tablets. This drug has higher potency and its dosage should be set according to the advice of the doctor. The doctor usually recommends 200mg tablet within 24 hours. This tablet of 200mg produces strong effects and dose greater than this might not prove to be beneficial for the user.
Due to the higher potency of
Sextreme Black Force 200mg, it is recommended to follow doctor’s advice regarding the dose of it. The maximum daily dose 200mg produces strongest and longest effects. The dose can be reduced depending on effectiveness and tolerability. The tablet is broken down into two pieces if 100 mg if needed.
Sextreme Black Force 200mg - Side Effects
All drugs have side effects and like all other drugs,
Sextreme Black Force 200mg has its side effects too. The commonly experienced side effects include; headache, dizziness, facial flushing, chest pain, allergic reactions, priapism, skin rashes, dry mouth, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, MI, muscle aches, numbness of extremities, loss of vision, loss of hearing and fainting.
In case of any severe side effects, one must immediately consult a doctor.