Cenforce D 100/60mg

(11 Reviews)
Active Substance
Avanafil + Dapoxetine
One Tablet Contains
100mg + 60mg
Package Contents
10 coated tablets
Onset of Effect
30-60 Minutes
Duration of Effect
4-6 Hours
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Cenforce D (100 + 60 mg) is produced by Centurion Lab in India. It is a sexual enhancer, which counteracts the two most common causes of impotence in men: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. For this purpose, two active ingredients are used in this product: Sildenafil citrate (100 mg) and dapoxetine hydrochloride (60 mg). Cenforce D (100 + 60 mg) is one of the few drugs available in the world that treats the two main causes of male impotence. This libido enhancer improves blood flow to the body and makes the penis less sensitive to touch. As a result, it remains harder for longer periods, which is suitable for optimal sexual intercourse.

Optimum dosage

It should first be said that Cenforce D (100 + 60 mg) is not an aphrodisiac. This sexual enhancer can only work in the presence of sexual arousal. For beginners, it is advisable to break one tablet in half and take it about 30-60 minutes before having sex with a glass of water. Under no circumstances should the recommended dosage be exceeded. Scientific studies have shown that the positive effects can last up to 2-3 hours, depending on the physical and mental condition of the man taking it. The medication should never be combined with fatty foods, alcohol, narcotics and other sedatives. If you are being treated for insomnia, high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases, you should consult your doctor first.

Side effects

A concentration of 160 mg of active ingredient is usually a little higher in older patients and beginners. However, the side effects are minimal and disappear as soon as use is discontinued. The most common side effects are headaches, redness of the face and cheeks, runny nose and dizziness. To minimize side effects, you should follow the instructions on the packaging.
