Malegra 200mg

(4 Reviews)
Active Substance
Package Contents
10 coated tablets
One Tablet Contains
Onset of Effect
30-60 Minutes
Duration of Effect
4-6 Hours
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Erectile dysfunction is not a topic men openly discuss, men are bound by penis size and performance. It is very common among men to have trouble keeping a penile erection for a sustained period. Studies show problems arise from lack of sleep, eating disorders, over-exerting ones self physically, and what should be at the top of the list, mental barriers that are simply ignored and at times outright frowned upon. Sexual interactions should be comfortable and natural, adding emotional stress to a physical activity creates extra hurdles no one needs during an exposing interaction.

MALEGRA 200mg – Information and Dosage

In order for a healthy penis to function, relaxation and dilation of the blood vessels that flow through the veins of the penis must be achieved. A dosage of 200mg of Malegra completes this cycle of blood flow from the head to the penis, making it easier for a man to achieve a fully erect penis and maintain it for periods up to and beyond 30 minutes during rigorous activity. One blue tablet of Malegra 200mg per day can drastically improve erection function which leads to overall sexual performance but more importantly, a male’s confidence during sexual practice.

MALEGRA 200MG – Side Effects

These little blue pills are designed to help combat erection dysfunction and improve the sexual abilities of males. Due to their potent nature, it is common for users to misuse the product by overconsumption.

Tests have shown that taking more than the prescribed dosage can lead to:

  • Headaches
  • Drowsiness
  • Stomach Pain
  • Distress
  • Chest pain
  • Flushing
  • Lightheadedness
  • Insomnia
  • Painful erection

Main advantages of using MALEGRA 200mg:

  1. Blue pill Cenforce 200mg can make you achieve a harder erection
  2. Blue pill Cenforce 200mg is a top priority in treating erectile dysfunction. It helps a man perform exceptionally well during intercourse.
